Know the Criteria

It is really important that you are familiar with specifically what IB is looking for. To score, you first need to know where the goal post is.

When you look at the assessment rubrics, pay close attention to the specific words that are being used. There is no specific checklist, and everyone knows how VA can be subjective. So if you are super keen to score a 7, I encourage you to get a few different teachers and peers to help moderate your work. Ask others to look it over and give you helpful criticism and directional guidance as you work.


For the 7 in the COMPARATIVE STUDY, the IB is looking for a consistent, insightful, and informed identification and analysis and thorough evaluation that shows a thorough understanding. Of course, each component has more specific details, but generally, there is no specific checklist. So you can present your information however you want. But make sure you are analyzing and evaluating your observations and that all of your screens are consistently strong.

Comparative Study Rubric from IB DP VA Guide (2014)


For the 7 in the PROCESS PORTFOLIO, the IB is looking for assured and sustained experimentation and manipulation of a range of skills/techniques/processes, in-depth critical investigationsclearly articulated ideas and intentionseffective and consistent process of review and refinement in a clearcoherent and engaging manner with an excellent range of visual evidence and consistent use of subject-specific language.

Process Portfolio Rubric from IB DP VA Guide (2014)


For the 7 in the EXHIBITION, the IB is looking for a coherent body of work with effective communication of thematic/stylistic relationships in an assured level of technical competence with visually elaborated ideas, themes, and concepts with the effective realization of stated artistic intentions. The CR fully justifies the exhibition appropriate to stated intentions and effectively articulates relationships between the artworks and the viewer.

Exhibition Rubric from IB DP VA Guide (2014)

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